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Featured Manufacturers - Glass Tools & Supplies

Gryphon Studio GrinderGryphon Studio GrinderThe Gryphon Studio Grinder comes fully equipped and offers a powerful DC motor instead of the less powerful AC motors found in most grinders.
Gemini Revolution XT Ring SawGemini Revolution XT Ring SawThe Revolution XT from Gemini provides whisper quiet cutting in tile, stone and glass with inside and outside radius cuts
Fuseworks Microwave Kiln KitFuseworks Microwave Kiln KitFuse glass right in your microwave oven! This kit contains an inspiring collection of fusing accessories specially designed to allow you to create beautiful and unique fused glass projects right in your microwave oven. Make stunning fused glass pendants, bracelets, earrings and home décor items by simply layering glass embellishing it and fusing them together in 3 minutes or less.
Aanraku 1" TWOFERS 2 bit set - 220 fine gritAanraku 1" TWOFERS 2 bit set - 220 fine gritTwo Bits for the Price of One! Aanraku brings you Twofers - superior quality, low-cost grinding bits. Bits fit most glass grinders. Diamond mesh grit is 220.
Jen-Ken AF3P - 15/6 Glass Fusing KilnJen-Ken AF3P - 15/6 Glass Fusing KilnA small multi-purpose brick kiln with BIG kiln features; perfect for fusing glass, tiles, slumping plates, suncatchers and for annealing glass beads!
Gryphon Omni-2 Plus+ Wire SawGryphon Omni-2 Plus+ Wire SawThe new Omni-2 Plus+ offers the best value today in glass cutting saws. You get a great saw for a low cost that now features much faster cutting, longer lasting blades, no expensive repair cost, is virtually maintenance free, and comes with 6 blades and all the extra accessories anyone would need.
Gemini Apollo Ring Saw "Glass Set-Up" KitGemini Apollo Ring Saw "Glass Set-Up" KitThis "Glass Set-Up" kit includes the all NEW Gemini Apollo Ring Saw and a 6" fine sintered ring blade for cutting intricate designs with radii as tight as 1/2".
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